Dedicated to bringing quality games to players worldwide

Yet Another Website Refresh

We have yet again updated our underlying website technology to be more modern. This has several benefits for you, as it comes with some added privacy features. This new version of the website has no need for cookies or any kind of tracking (we never wanted to track anything anyway), so browse in peace knowing that nothing is being traced. It also should be even faster to navigate now. For us, these updates make the website much easier (and cheaper) to maintain.
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Dungeon Crawler available for download

Dungeon Crawler available for download

Dungeon Crawler is a simple roguelike game created for a hack-a-thon. Traverse the infinite floors of the dungeon with naught but your sword and seek to collect as many gold coins as possible. Enemies are randomized and become more difficult as you advance further into the dungeon. There is no escape; you fight until you die!

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The Graveyard has been added

The Graveyard has been added

Sometimes games do not make the cut. Maybe there wasn’t time to finish them or maybe they didn’t meet our standards of quality. Perhaps they are just too old and dated for this modern era. Regardless of the reason, they are relegated to the graveyard. Now you can visit the graveyard to see some relics of the past.

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